EXMARaLDA support licences

LinguisticBits offers users of EXMARaLDA support through the software's main developer. These licences can be used for:

On-site courses, larger software development tasks, and larger data management services are not covered by support licences, but can be carried out on the basis of individual agreements with LinguisticBits

How it works

You purchase a support package with a certain amount of support hours. The package is valid for an agreed period (typically, a year). You can "invest" your support hours (in arbitrarily small portions) during that period for any of the above services. You will receive a support key which can be transferred to and used by other members of your team or project. Please write to thomas@linguisticbits.de if you are thinking of purchasing a licence.


One hour of support is charged with EUR 100 (+ tax where applicable). You can freely choose the number of hours between a minimum of 3h and a maximum of 40h over the period of a year. The following are recommendations for different types of projects:

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Licence 'Squirrel'
5 hours

Individual (one-person) projects, such as dissertation projects.

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Licence 'Badger'
10 hours

Research projects, teams of researchers and student assistants.

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Licence 'Deer'
25 hours

Larger corpus projects, data centres, institute-wide support.

Feel free to contact me for advice on a licence suitable for your purposes.

Get and provide support for free software

EXMARaLDA support licences are linguisticbit.de's model for financing support, maintenance and further development of EXMARaLDA while keeping the software itself free and open-source. Thus, by purchasing an EXMARaLDA support licence, you are not only securing priority support for your own project, your are also providing support to EXMARaLDA and its user community.